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Today's Sapphire

The Slightest bit

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Did you ever think you'd like to live in the Bible times? In synagogues today, in the center of the bema/podium is an ark/ornamental cabinet which contains the Torah scroll/first five books of Moses. That's how it was in Bible times. People didn't have their own Bible, it was a scroll at synagogue. Today, it's completely different. You can get all the Scriptures, study Bibles, commentaries, and a concordance at your local bookstore or on your phone that you carry in your pocket. In Bible times, they couldn't afford such treasures and no synagogue could house them. The slightest bit of scripture was precious. You live in a generation which has the Word of God so accessible. Are you going to let a day go by without reading it, without receiving it, meditating on it, letting it soak in, and applying it to your life? You're sitting on a gold mine. If you want to be blessed, treasure the Treasure.

From Message #368 - Standing in the Waves

Today's Mission

Open up your treasure today. Receive the word with expectation of receiving the riches of God.

Scripture: Psalm 1:1-2
